Everybody has a business plan, but very few have capital

Ryan Gosha
1 min readSep 12, 2020

Everybody has a business idea and a business plan.

It might not be written down, but it is there in the headspace.

However, not everyone has capital, or a capital raising plan.

Motivational speakers tell you that all you need is to be motivated

Start a business and quit your JOB.

They never tell you about CAPITAL. You need CAPITAL.

It is the most important ingredient in starting a business.

“I started with nothing” is a lie, a big fat ugly lie.

The economic system we live in is called CAPITALISM for a reason. It is based on capital, capital put to work, deployed in the business.

An excellent idea is nothing without capital.

BUT capital, coupled with an idea and a plan is value.

If you have no access to capital, you need a capital-raising plan.

Generate capital from your savings.

At Naba Housing Fund, we have a plan to help you raise capital. Something small, put aside every month.

Make capital contributions of 1,500 rands every month.

Do this for 100 months.

Better-still lets pool our capital together.

Visit www.nabatrustfund.org

